Yevhen D. Makovetskyi
Ph.D. in Phys. and Math., Address: Physical department of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody sq., 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Scientometric accounts: |
Yevhen Makovetskyi was born in Kharkiv city in 1980. He graduated from Physical department of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in 2002, finished his post-graduate studies in 2005, and in 2006 he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled 'Competition of spontaneous gratings on TE and TM modes in light-sensitive waveguide films of AgCl' by specialty 'optics, laser physics' under supervision of prof. Miloslavsky V. K.
During 2005—2008 Yevhen Makovetskyi worked as lab assistant and researcher. Since 2008 he works as associate professor of the Physical optics chair .
Scientific interests: light—matter interaction, nonlinear optical effects in light-sensitive waveguide films.
Teaching work:
- For Bachelor's degree applicants gives lecture courses 'Nonlinear optics' and 'Solid State Spectroscopy', conducts the laboratory workshop on multiple-beam interference, gives the course of practical lessons 'Use of PC in Scientific Research'.
- For Master's degree applicants gives the lecture course 'Waveguide Optics' and the course of practical lessons 'Computer Modelling of Physical Processes And Phenomena'.
Essential scientific publications:
- V.Lymar, Ye.Makovetskyi, R.Vovk Transmitted wave frequency shift on a moving media interface: between the Doppler and the photon recoil effects // Proc. Int. Conf. "JSAP—Optica Joint Symposia" JSAPO’2024 (September 16—20, 2024, Niigata, Japan). – Optica Publishing Group, 2024. — 19p-C43-13.
- O.Kovalenko, O.Yunakova, Ye.Makovetskyi, M.Yunakov Effect on scattering on the transmission spectra of crystalline p-terphenyl // Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Natural Sciences and Technologies ICONAT’2024 (May 30th — June 1st, 2024, Adrasan–Antalya, Turkey). — Eskisehir Technical University, 2024. — P.30.
- V.Lymar, Ye.Makovetskyi, A.Ovsiannikov, T.Sarii Classical and stimulated Doppler effects and the recoil effect on a moving media interface // Proc. 13th Int. Conf. "Laser-light and Interactions with Particles" LIP’2022 (August 21—26, 2022, Warsaw, Poland). — Instytut Fizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2022. — P.90—93.
- A.Bielova, V.Lymar, Ye.Makovetskyi Two modes of near-surface convective flows threshold at thermal lens oscillations // Proc. Int. Conf. "OSA Nonlinear Optics 2021" NLO’2021 (August 9—13, 2021, Washington, DC, USA). — Optica Publishing Group, 2021. — paper NW2B.7.
- Ye.D.Makovetskyi Modeling of a diffraction pattern from light-induced gratings in AgCl—Ag waveguide film as a method of evaluation of the grating parameters // Funct. Mater. — 2020. — Vol.27, No.3. — p.567—574.
- L.A.Ageev, N.Z.Galunov, V.M.Rieznikova, E.D.Makovetsky, N.L.Karavaeva, A.V.Krech Photoinduced diffraction grating in AgCl—Ag film on surface of silicone gel composition SYLGARD-184 // Funct. Mater. — 2016. — Vol.23, No.1. — p.127—131.
- L.A.Ageev, V.K.Miloslavsky, E.D.Makovetsky, V.M.Volosenko Periodic Structures Formed by Ag Nanoparticles in AgCl—Ag Film Waveguides Exposed to Violet Laser Light // J.Appl.Spectrosc. — 2013. — Vol.30, No.3. — p.389—394.
- V.K.Miloslavsky, E.D.Makovetsky, L.A.Ageev, K.S.Beloshenko Fused silica as a composite nanostructured material // Opt. and Spectrosc. — 2009. — Vol.107, No.5. — p.811—815.
- V.K.Miloslavsky, L.A.Ageev, E.D.Makovetsky, S.A.Maskevich Optical Properties of Nanostructures // Funct. Mater. — 2008. — Vol.15, No.3. — p.313—331.
- L.A.Ageev, K.S.Beloshenko, E.D.Makovetskii, V.K.Miloslavskii Observation of Radiation Instabilities of a Two-Mode He—Ne Laser with the Help of Interference of Polarized Rays // Opt. and Spectrosc. — 2008. — Vol.105, No.1. — p.134—140.
- L.A.Ageev, V.K.Miloslavskii, E.D.Makovetskii Coloring of Silica Glass with Silver Nanoparticles // Opt. and Spectrosc. — 2007. — Vol.102, No.3. — p.442—448.
- E.D.Makovetsky, V.K.Miloslavsky, L.A.Ageev Spontaneous grating formation in thin light-sensitive AgCl—Ag films at linear P/S-polarization of a laser beam // J.Opt.A: Pure Appl.Opt. — 2005. — Vol.7, No.7. — p.324—332.
- V.K.Miloslavsky, E.D.Makovetsky, L.A.Ageev Competition of the spontaneous gratings on scattered TE- and TM-modes in AgCl—Ag films under off-normal incidence of a laser beam // Opt. Commun. — 2004. — Vol.232, No.1—6. — p.303—312.