Olga M. Yunakova

Ph.D. in Phys. and Math.,
Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher of the Physical optics chair

Address: Physical department of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody sq., 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Room 1-8.
Phone number: +38 (057) 707-51-25;
E-mail: o.n.yunakova@gmail.com

Scientometric accounts:

Olga M. Yunakova graduated from Physical department of Kharkiv State University in 1974. In 1988 she had defended her Ph.D. thesis entitled 'Exciton spectra of halides of copper and silver and their solid solutions'. Since 1974 she works at the Physical optics chair as senior laboratory assistant, researcher, senior researcher, and leading researcher.

Scientific interests: spectroscopy of thin films of multicomponent compounds based on halides of copper, silver, lead and alkali metals including films with photochromic, superionic and ferroelastic properties.

Essential scientific publications:

  1. E.N.Kovalenko, O.N.Yunakova, N.N.Yunakov Exciton absorption spectrum of thin films of (CsxK1—x)2CuCl3 solid solutions // Funct.Mater. — 2024. — Vol.31, N1. — p.13—17.
  2. E.N.Kovalenko, O.N.Yunakova, N.N.Yunakov Exciton absorption spectrum of thin films of ternary compounds in the CsCl–CuCl system // Low Temp.Phys. — 2023. — Vol.49. — p.1190—1195.
  3. E.N.Kovalenko, O.N.Yunakova, N.N.Yunakov Exciton absorption spectra of thin films of RbCu2Cl3 and Rb2Cu3Cl5 ternary compounds // Low Temp.Phys. — 2021. — Vol.49. — p.427—432.
  4. E.N.Kovalenko, O.N.Yunakova, N.N.Yunakov Exciton absorption spectrum of thin films of Cs1—xRbxCu2Cl3 solid solutions // Funct.Mater. — 2021. — Vol.28, N3. — p.410—414.
  5. E.N.Kovalenko, O.N.Yunakova, N.N.Yunakov Exciton absorption spectra of RbPb2Cl5 and Rb6Pb5Cl16 thin films // Funct.Mater. — 2019. — Vol.26, N2. — p.295—301.